Background In one of my previous post we saw tangible advantages (w.r.t throughput, latency and resource utilization) of refactoring existing Microservice application from imperative to reactive constructs. So an obvious question that comes to an inquisitive mind - Can we apply Reactive principles to the underlying β¦
Read MoreBackground In my previous post I tried demonstrating how to implement an optimal and performant REST client using RestTemplate In this article I will be demonstrating similar stuff but by using WebClient. But before we get started, lets try rationalizing Why yet another REST client i.e. WebClient IMO there are 2 β¦
Read MoreBackground In this contemporary world of enterprise application development, Microservice Architecture has become defacto paradigm. With this new paradigm, an application is going to have myriad set of independent and autonomous (micro)services which will be calling each other. One of the fundamental characteristics of β¦
Read MoreBackground From first part of blog we gathered understanding about basics of Chaos Engineering. Now we will further deep dive to understand how to perform Chaos Engineering with a working example - which to me is going to be quite interesting. First lets start with understanding basics of working example which will be β¦
Read MoreHuman body is vulnerable to lot of diseases. So in order to protect human beings from diseases vaccines have been invented. Vaccines mainly work due to process called 'Hormesis', by which system or organism adapts to harm in order to become stronger. Just as our body is susceptible to diseases and germs, so do our β¦
Read MoreSpring Boot helps developers to implement enterprise grade applications which can be pushed to production in no time. Once application gets into production and if we strongly believe in vedic philosophy of Karma :), we are bound to experience Murphy's Law. Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong Considering nature of β¦
Read MoreWhenever the buzz word 'Cloud Native Architecture' gets to our ears, first thing that comes to our mind is - It sounds too jazzy and latest and would have something to do with technology since it has a word called 'Architecture' within it :). Because of this it creates a perception in the minds of lot of people that β¦
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